Vancouver Personal Training: How do I get a good chest workout without a Personal Trainer?

Question: Sometimes I feel like I need a personal trainer to help spot me when I am doing heavy sets of chest press but I am confident with most other parts of my workout, what do you suggest?

Answer: A good spot

can be hard to find. If you are doing a heavy program and you do not have a spot you may want to consider doing strip sets. With strip sets always do two or three sets to warm up. Once you are warm then you need to decide what weights you are going to use. If you are doing a strip set with Bench Press you need pick the weights and reps for each set. If you decide that you will do a strip sets with three weight adjustments then you need to determine your starting weight and the incremental drops. If you are looking to increase your power then you may want to start with a set of four reps with a heavier weight and increase your reps as you decrease your weight. For instance, if you can perform four reps of 185lbs on the first set, then drop down to 135lbs on the second set and perform six reps. Then you can drop down to 95lbs for the third set and perform eight reps, and for the final set go down to just the bar and perform 12-15 reps. The key is to load the machine with smaller plates so you can unload quickly to get to the next set. Think of this as one really big set so you need to take as little rest when you are unloading the weights as possible. This is a great way to get an intense workout without having to pay for a personal trainer. This is a very advanced workout system so do not try this out if you are at a beginner level.