Standing Dumbbell Alternated Curl

Grasp two dumbbells, stand erect, feet at shoulder-width distance, and the palms facing forward. Press the upper arms against the sides of your torso and keep them in this position throughout the set. Use the strength of your left biceps to slowly curl the dumbbell upward and forward in a semicircular arc to shoulder level. As you begin to lower the dumbbell in your left hand, slowly begin curling the weight in

your right hand up to your shoulder. Continue curling in a seesaw-like fashion until fatigued.

Note: For variation, this exercise can be performed while seated at the end of a flat bench.

(primary muscles: biceps, brachialis, and forearm flexors)

Shaun Karp is a certified personal trainer in Vancouver. For further information call his office at 604-420-7800.
