High Performance Athlete Training

Looking to gain the competitive edge?  Karp’s High Performance Athlete Training is designed to increase your strength, agility, speed, coordination, flexibility, core stability and endurance.  We also implement detailed injury prevention and nutrition planning that is individualized for each athlete.  All programs are tailored to each athletes age, body-type, joint structure and the demands of your sport, playing style and position.

With over 20 years of experience and working with thousands of athletes including stars such as Kyle Turris, Ryan KeslerKevin Bieksaand Ryan Johansen,  Karp Fitness has a proven track-record of success. 

 Karp’s High Performance Athlete Programs Will Help You:

  • Improve Strength, Speed, and Acceleration
  • Increase Core Stability
  • Decrease Body-Fat
  • Balance Muscles to Treat or Prevent Injury
  • Understand Modern Sports Nutrition
  • Sport-Specific Plyometrics
Kyle Turris, NHL star and former Karp program participant.

Kyle Turris, NHL star and former Karp program participant.

“Thanks for helping me achieve my dream. You gave me the edge I needed!”Kyle Turris, NHL Hockey Player

 Karp’s sports conditioning programs have helped many pro’s achieve their dreams, and they can help you, too.

Call Karp at 604-420-7800 or fill in the following form to hear back from a Karp Fitness representative!

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    Downtown VancouverEast VanNorth VanMetrotownBurnaby/Coquitlam (Lougheed)RichmondSurreyEast Surrey/LangleyMaple RidgeAbbotsfordChilliwack

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